
The UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered his Spring Budget today to a rowdy House of Commons that had to be called to order before it had even properly started. 注意到今年是选举年, he painted a positive picture of the UK’s economy stating the UK had the lowest national debt in the G7, 通货膨胀降低了, and growth since 2010 under the Conservatives has been higher than every large European economy and the OBR expects growth to continue until 2027. The Chancellor wanted his policies to generate “更多的 jobs, 更多的 investment and lower taxes”.

He started his Budget by saying he would look to reduce taxes and referred to a “tax-cutting Budget”. 这个主题在他的演讲中一再被提及.

From a personal tax perspective, everything Hunt announced had already been trailed in the press. There had been a lot of pressure in the run-up to the Budget for the Chancellor to reduce taxes and there was recent speculation in the press that he was considering changes to the “non-dom“ regime.


  • 从2025年4月起,现行的“非户籍”制度将被废除,取而代之的是“现代户籍”制度, 更简单、更公平的制度”. 总之, new “non-dom” arrivals to the UK will not be required to pay any tax on non-UK income or gains for the first four years and thereafter they will pay the same tax as other UK tax residents. There will be transitional arrangements over a 2-year period including plans to encourage people to bring money to the UK from overseas.
    这些变化可能会影响我们的许多客户. 了解这些规则将如何实施是很重要的, 特别是对于已经居住在英国的非永久居民, 并考虑任何税务筹划的机会, 特别是在过渡时期.进一步, whilst there was no mention during the speech as to how abolishing the non-dom regime might impact inheritance tax (“IHT”) the Government has announced that it intends to replace the current IHT regime with a residency-based system and will consult on how to implement this. UK IHT and US estate tax are another important consideration for many Americans coming to the UK. The UK inheritance tax threshold is significantly lower than the equivalent US lifetime exemption (which is due to sunset in 2026).
  • The 28% higher rate on taxable gains arising on the sale of residential properties will be reduced to 24%. Interestingly this rate also applies to Carried Interest capital gains although there was no mention in the speech as to whether the reduction will apply to Carried Interest gains; no doubt this will soon become clear. Regardless, the UK tax on these gains will continue to be higher than the current equivalent US tax. When combined with the proposed changes to the non-dom regime US taxpayers living in the UK who have capital gains on the sale of residential property or in respect of Carried Interest should carefully consider their US/UK tax position.
  • 财政大臣引入了全新的“英国ISA”,允许额外支付5英镑,在现有的ISA津贴基础上,投资于有前途的英国企业. US taxpayers should be well aware that ISAs are not tax-free for US purposes and that certain non-US investments can be subject to punitive tax treatment under the PFIC rules. 任何居住在英国的美国人都应该就他们的投资寻求税务建议.
  • 不出所料,国民保险费率进一步降低. 从6th April 2024 employee National Insurance will fall from 10% to 8% and self-employed National Insurance rates will fall from 8% to 6%.
  • 最后, the Furnished Holiday Letting (“FHL”) regime – whereby eligible properties benefit from various tax reliefs that aren’t available to normal rental properties – is going to be abolished.

There are a number of questions that will need to be answered in respect of these announcements. 我们期待收到澳门官方老葡京拟议变更的进一步指导, 特别是在废除非自治制度方面. 然而, whilst the Chancellor talked of “permanent” tax cuts it should be noted that nothing is permanent!

If you would like to discuss how these changes might impact your US/UK tax position please do not hesitate to 澳门官方老葡京.
