UK Spring Budget 2024

今天,英国财政大臣向喧闹的下议院提交了他的春季预算,而下议院甚至在预算正式开始之前就被要求保持秩序. Noting this is an election year, 他描绘了一幅积极的英国经济图景,称英国的国债是七国集团中最低的, inflation had been reduced, 自2010年以来,在保守党的领导下,英国的经济增长率一直高于欧洲所有大型经济体。OBR预计,这种增长将持续到2027年. 财政大臣希望他的政策能够创造“更多的就业机会、更多的投资和更低的税收”。.

他在预算案的开头说,他将寻求减税,并提到了“减税预算”。. This theme was revisited throughout his speech.

从个人税收的角度来看,亨特宣布的每件事都已经被媒体报道过了. 财政大臣在准备预算案的过程中承受了很大的压力,要求他减税,最近媒体猜测他正在考虑改变“非移民”制度.

The headline announcements in respect of personal taxes are:

  • 从2025年4月起,现行的“非户籍”制度将被废除,取而代之的是“现代户籍”制度, simpler and fairer system”. In summary, 新到英国的“非本地”移民在头四年不需要为非英国收入或收益缴纳任何税款,此后他们将与其他英国纳税居民缴纳相同的税款. 将会有为期两年的过渡安排,包括鼓励人们从海外把钱带到英国的计划.
    These changes are likely to impact many of our clients. It will be important to understand how these rules will be implemented, especially for non-doms already living in the UK, and consider any tax planning opportunities, particularly during the transitional period.Further, 虽然在演讲中没有提及废除非户籍制度可能会如何影响遗产税,但政府已宣布打算以以居住为基础的制度取代现行的遗产税制度,并将就如何实施进行咨询. 英国的所得税和美国的遗产税是许多美国人来英国的另一个重要考虑因素. 英国的遗产税起征点远低于美国的终身免税额(后者将于2026年到期)。.
  • 出售住宅物业所得的应税利得税率由原来的28%降至24%. Interestingly this rate also applies to Carried Interest capital gains although there was no mention in the speech as to whether the reduction will apply to Carried Interest gains; no doubt this will soon become clear. 无论如何,英国对这些收益征收的税率将继续高于美国目前的等额税率. 考虑到拟议中的非英国税制改革,居住在英国、因出售住宅物业或附带权益获得资本利得的美国纳税人应仔细考虑其在美国/英国的纳税状况.
  • The Chancellor introduced a brand new “British ISA” allowing an extra £5,000 to be invested in promising British businesses on top of existing ISA allowances. 美国纳税人应该很清楚,以美国为目的的isa不是免税的,根据PFIC的规定,某些非美国投资可能会受到惩罚性的税收待遇. Any Americans living in the UK should seek tax advice in respect of their investments.
  • As expected, National Insurance rates were further reduced. From 6th 2024年4月,雇员国民保险将从10%降至8%,个体经营者国民保险将从8%降至6%.
  • Finally, “带家具度假租赁”(“FHL”)制度——合资格的物业可享受正常出租物业无法享受的各种税收减免——将被取消.

就这些公告而言,有许多问题需要回答. We look forward to receiving further guidance on the proposed changes, particularly on the abolishment of the non-dom regime. However, 虽然财政大臣谈到了“永久性”减税,但应该注意的是,没有什么是永久的!

如果您想讨论这些变化如何影响您的美国/英国税务状况,请不要犹豫 contact us.

Article written by Harry Swift